Cruising down the Mid-County Expressway, you have a happy moment at the end of a long work day. The windows are down, the cool evening air is refreshing and the music is loud and good. Soon you will be home in Media.
It’s a moment of true joy--until you notice the swirling red lights in your rear-view mirror. A Delaware County police officer has not gotten the memo. This was supposed to be a carefree commute home, but all he has noticed is that you have been driving above the speed limit. The resulting ticket spoils all the fun.
This happens on Baltimore Avenue in town as well, as motorists don’t slow down quickly enough once they enter the city limits.
In either location, you have received a “gift” that keeps on taking--a traffic ticket.
What now? Pay the ticket and admit your guilt? Not so fast! Contact a Media traffic lawyer and fight back.
A Ticket Often Costs Far More Than a Fine A traffic ticket in Media is not a simple matter that ends when you pay your fine. The repercussions can drag on for years and cost you lots of money in the form of increased insurance premiums. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is not slow to add points to your record, either, which could have dire consequences if you have a poor driving record and are near the limit for points on your license. A speeding ticket could lead to your license’s suspension or revocation.
In addition, if your contract at work has a clause requiring you to have a valid driver’s license to continue employment (many do), you could even lose your job. That’s not fair, and it’s why you need to fight.
A traffic ticket can grow into a huge shadow hanging over your life, even if you think that paying the fine ends it all. You need to defend yourself and keep the damage to a minimum.
Exercise Your Rights in Media Pennsylvania’s point system is tough, but receiving a ticket does not automatically mean full guilt. You have the right to plead innocent and to face the evidence in court.
Challenge Your Media Traffic Ticket in Every Case You should challenge any speeding ticket in Media that you get. Sure, you need to learn from your mistake, but that lesson doesn’t have to drag on for years at a cost of hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Get Your Traffic Ticket Fine Reduced or Your Ticket Dismissed The bad news is that you have been written a ticket. The good news is that a Media traffic ticket lawyer stands ready to help you to avoid a conviction.
A traffic lawyer in Media will pick through all of the details and technicalities of your case in an effort to argue for a reduction in your fine and points or a complete dismissal. Human beings make mistakes and machines make mistakes. Radar guns are sometimes improperly calibrated. At other times, the law enforcement officers that use them lack the proper training and credentials. Procedures are not always followed correctly, either.
Because of these possible glitches, a good Media traffic ticket lawyer can build a strong case on your behalf and argue expertly to get your punishment lightened or your case dismissed.
Hire a Media Traffic Ticket Attorney / Lawyer When you decide to fight your ticket, look for a lawyer that has a comprehensive understanding of traffic law and the legal system, two fields that you lack training in.
Traffic court is no picnic. It is just as serious as any other court. Everyone who plays a part must do so with utmost professionalism. The Media area police officer that will appear understands this and will draw on many hours of experience in the court room to make the ticket stick. Faced with this level of opposition, you will need a strong ally.
Fighting Tickets in Pennsylvania Is All We Do Whether your ticket in Media was an infraction, a misdemeanor or a felony, we can assist you. If you need a DUI lawyer in Media, we can be of great help as we use our many years of experience to make persuasive arguments on your behalf. You don’t even have to be present in court, if time off from work is a problem.
As you seek an attorney, you should try to find one that handles only traffic violations, not one that takes such cases occasionally. You will need a lawyer that defends drivers like you every day, not once in awhile.
Reasonable Fees A small investment in a Media traffic ticket lawyer pales in comparison to the possible long-term costs of a traffic ticket. Our reasonable fees can be paid by Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover for your convenience.
FREE Consultation
It won’t cost you anything to interact with a Media lawyer about your situation. As part of our FREE phone consultation we will give you a frank opinion about your possible case. Contact a Media traffic lawyer as soon as possible to guard one of your most valuable possessions: your driver's license.
We handle all traffic violations in the Media area including: