Lower Merion Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Located just northwest of Philadelphia with hundreds of thousands of cars speeding along its roads as commuters rush into the city or hurry home after a long day of work, Lower Merion, Pa., rivals any suburb in traffic congestion.

Between the crowded Schuylkill Expressway or the popular I-476, it can be easy to get a traffic ticket as you maneuver between vehicles or just try to keep your place in the pack. On these heavily used roads that are sometimes choked with traffic, it can be easy to lose track of your speed or get pulled along in a pack of vehicles and speed or run a red light. Sometimes you can commit a traffic violation simply trying to avoid being in an accident!

You might assume that you are guilty just because you received a ticket, but you should wisely weigh your options before mailing in your fine like an obedient servant. That fine will cost you in the short term, obviously, but it could cost you in the long term as well if points are assessed to your driving record and/or your insurance premiums get bumped up.

In other words, the initial fine that you pay could be the start of several financial hits as a consequence of your speeding or other traffic violation. Consider these questions before you plead guilty to a speeding offense: 1) Are you absolutely sure that the police officer got an accurate measure of your speed, or is s/he still learning how to correctly use the new LIDAR technology? 2) Did s/he clock you at your true speed, or was s/he too eager to start and stop the stop the stopwatch used in VASCAR technology?

Those are just two preliminary questions, and if you don’t know what LIDAR and VASCAR are, you should definitely contact a Lower Merion speeding ticket lawyer for assistance. S/he might be able to prove in court that the police officer lacked sufficient training in using LIDAR equipment, or that the VASCAR machine was improperly maintained. Again, those are just two possible roads down which a qualified Lower Merion traffic ticket lawyer can take you and save you money and time.

Before admitting your guilt by virtue of paying your fine, call for a free consultation to discover your options in dealing with your ticket.

Here’s another bad surprise that you want to avoid: if you have accumulated points previously on your driving record, a few more could put you over the state limit and cause you to lose your license. If that happens, you not only will be blocked from driving, you could lose your job. Many employment contracts require a current license to continue employment. So, a speeding ticket could push you all the way into the unemployment line, a scary prospect when you consider how difficult it is to find a job in our sluggish economy.

Call for a consultation and let a Lower Merion traffic ticket lawyer review your case and go over your options. A trained professional who is familiar with traffic law can be a powerful ally in preserving your driving record and guarding your money and job.

The Lower Merion traffic ticket attorney’s fee usually more than pays for itself when you consider the high stakes that can result from a simple traffic ticket. Getting a reduced fine or your case dismissed can save you thousands of dollars in fines and higher insurance premiums. Who knows? It might even help you to keep your job.

Contact Our Traffic Lawyers

Start Your Case Today

Our Traffic attorneys may be able to eliminate the penalties and fines resulting from a citation. For a free consultation, please contact us.
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1500 John F Kennedy Blvd #553
PA 19102
2451 North 54th Street
PA 19131
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