Lancaster Traffic Ticket Lawyer

As the heart of Amish country in Pennsylvania and a huge tourist destination, Lancaster might seem to some as a sleepy destination. Yet, it actually is a rapidly growing area as people discover that they enjoy the quiet of Lancaster and the proximity to larger cities.

Lancaster also is a county seat, and that fact coupled with the influx of new residents, particularly young people who are getting back to nature in this very green area, has led to increasing numbers of vehicles filling the roads in and around the city. There is much more on Lancaster’s roads than horses and buggies, that’s for sure.

No major interstates feed into or out of Lancaster, but that means that smaller roads have to handle large amounts of tourist and citizen traffic.

On these roads crowded with traffic, it’s easy to lose track of your speed or get sandwiched into a pack of vehicles and run a red light. You might believe that you’re guilty before anyone tries to prove or disprove your innocence, but you should definitely weigh your options before automatically mailing in your fine. Not only will that fine cost you in the short term, it could cost you in the long term due to points assessed to your driving record and higher insurance premiums.

In other words, the fine you pay is often only the first of the financial charges that you will be on the hook for as a result of your speeding or other traffic violation. Here are a couple of questions to ponder before you plead guilty: 1) Are you sure that the police officer timed an accurate reading of your speed, or is s/he still mastering the new LIDAR technology? 2) Did s/he clock you at your true speed or was s/he too quick in starting and stopping the stopwatch used in VASCAR technology?

If you don’t know what LIDAR and VASCAR are, you should probably contact a Lancaster speeding ticket lawyer to help you. S/he might be able to prove that the law enforcement officer had a lack of training in using speed detection technology, or that s/he used poorly maintained equipment on the road you were on. That could save you lots of money and time, as well as keep points off your record.

Before admitting your guilt as you pay the fine, call for a free consultation to take a look at your options in dealing with your ticket, because after you mail the check, no Lancaster traffic ticket attorney can help you!

Here’s another unfortunate surprise that you want to avoid if possible: if you have accumulated points on your driving record, a couple more could put you in danger of losing your license. If that happens, you not only will be blocked from legally driving, you might lose your job. Many employment contracts require a valid license for employment. In other words, paying a speeding ticket before considering your plea could put you in the ranks of the unemployed. No fine is worth having to track down a job in our slow economy!

Call for a consultation and allow a Lancaster traffic ticket lawyer to review your case and guide you regarding your many options. Let a trained professional who is familiar with traffic law in detail help you to preserve your driving record, keep your disposable cash and hang onto your job.

When all things are considered, the money you will pay to get a top Lancaster traffic ticket attorney on your side will be less than what your ticket will cost you in the long run, between fines and raised insurance premiums.

Contact Our Traffic Lawyers

Start Your Case Today

Our Traffic attorneys may be able to eliminate the penalties and fines resulting from a citation. For a free consultation, please contact us.
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1500 John F Kennedy Blvd #553
PA 19102
2451 North 54th Street
PA 19131
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